Attract good things
Hey guys! Did ever happened to you something amazing, that you never expected? And you are like woow, what did I do to deserve this?
Everything is about energy. There is good and bad energy in this world, truly if you go around with an amazing energy is what you attract: Amazing things. Otherwise if you concentrate in your problems, mistakes, sadness instead of attract solutions, or nice things , you attract misfortune.
It is all about buckle down. Thoughts are picked like the clothes you select to wear every day.
And is not easy to choose good thoughts all the time, Is not easy but the brain gets used to either think positive or negative. And of course the easiest way is going to be the wrong one. Because the tough part is see the positive side in the complicated situations. But there, is when you get used to that every time that you are in a stressing situation your brain will be positive instead of complain. There is always something positive in each situation.
Well I don´t know what happened but I was in this hostel, waiting for a friend that was having some problems with her visa , and I was a little bit stressed to be honest, I didn´t want to “waste “my last days in Australia I just wanted to start travelling NOW. But I said okay I have to start enjoying what I have here, so I started to talk with the others backpackers of the hostal and there was this guy who worked fixing boats and his boss ( Australian) organized to all the team a sailing trip around the island WHITSUNDAYS in a veery nice boat.
I told this guy that I´ve never pass the night In a boat, how much I love the sea and whales, and how excited I was to go to the The Great Barrier Reef and PUM this guy told me “ My boss told me that I could invite 2 more people, why don´t you come?” and I thought , I just arrived this hostel, this guy already have oldest friendships with people in the hostel and he invited me and other girlfriend of his.
I am completely sure that I wanted so much to have this kind of experience that I attracted it and it came in the right moment.
I was so worried because just for you know in my past experiences in sea transfers I got sea sick, vomiting , everything. I always was gotting off the boat with this face “ I am going to die”. So I thought “this transfers are short what am I going to do all this days and nights at the boat. I stopped to meditate, “you need to control that, is just about relax and enjoy”.
Although I give you this advise: have your eyes fixed on earth, or any fixed point.
Stay outside where you can feel the breeze. And all done, no vomit, no sea sick, champ 😉
We had such a incredible time, the Australians were very nice, good hosts, plus everything was free :P, it was amazing to be in a real typical Australian boat experience, you know sleep under the stars, see the blue ocean all the time. It was unforgettable.
They love fishing , hypocritically I didn´t liked that much seeing this big Tuna that they fished dying. But I had to eat it because they put so much effort and I was their guest , plus I am sure they didn´t had beans at the boat.
We did hiking in a very beautiful mountain, very sadly because 5 months ago this Island was hit by a big cyclone and of course the damage was terrible huge, thousands of destroyed trees and the coral. Very sad. How many SOS calls of the nature mother uh?
I would like to deep more in this subjet, so we read each other soon.
With so much love ( and good vibes) Nataly Vargas :*