The food, the love, freedom, respect, are things that moves the world. Is what creates a balance.
Sometimes we don’t understand our neighbor, and we think that because they think differently to us, they are wrong. Differences enriches us, how beautiful is that there is so much diversity between cultures: let us love us more, to know more, learn, valorise….. enriches us, precisely that word: Enriches us.
How important is to have the support of been and to be love : family, our heart, our friends. Love is our engine, our energy, our gasoline. The petrol that makes us walk, breath, and reach things, at the end, it doesn’t matter if we have a house , a car, travels, clothes, a nice position in your job, the love is what fulfill you. Everything is achieved with love, with love everything is achieved.
To Achieved something you have to love first, it has to have love.
Without love nothing feels the same, nothing is real.
Love moves debris, buildings, poles, walls, languages, kilometers, love moves everything.
Just see how incredible my Mexicans came from nowhere to help there people in the past event of the Earthquake: sharing notifications, donating time, money, articules, sweat, effort, so many things. Everything moved by love for their people. Love to our blood, our land.
There is no borders for love, no limits, love is infinite. We all are better person if we love. Love is share, love is back up, love is been solidary, love is do not ignore, love is not been skeptical.
Love will make us eternal, and I know that if we follow our lives by love, we can reach that the planet longs more, we most love our planet, our animals, our sky, the flowers, the fruits, the sea, the life. We most change. We most love our land. Love our selfs and the ones who are coming.
I would love that my offspring has the bliss of been able to see what I had seen, and more!.
That they can enjoy to see a sunset, to see a whale playing with her tail, to smell a delicious dish, to satisfy of watch the deep blue in the ocean, to enjoy hugging a friend, to marvel with other cultures, to be able to open their eyes and breath pure air and for that we need to act, to strive, don’t be lazy of recycle, of separate rubbish, to turn of the light, close the tap, share the car, walk more, to invest in a solar energy, of balance our diet to create an animal balance, there is so many thins we can start doing.
And with love we can make it happen. We all have love, I can see it, you can see it.
And for those people who doesn’t show it, its okay, we can help them to demonstrate it, I know they have it there, keep it, waiting to bloom, lets help them with our actions.
Same way we learn how to walk and talk, from copying, watching, or merely instinct, same way we could create a system of balance with our requires and nature´s.
You know I love to read you.
What does love moves you to do?
What had been the biggest thing you did in name of love?
In which way we can help our planet loving?
With much love….
Nataly Vargas