I am more than happy to be with you now by this way: at the Blog. This is a more intimate way to be with you. Closer. You and me reading each other.
Have you felt that tickles when you are doing something that you love, that nerves for something that you have been dreaming about? That dream that you saw very far and unreachable?
I would like to tell you that is how it happened with Blooming Life, I had always dreamed about this. But I was always scared, and I left it beside.
I am going to tell you how I decided to do it. I was in a very sad and difficult moment in my life.
I just broke up with my boyfriend, I was really sad, and I couldn’t stopped thinking about that, I knew that those thoughts were not good for me. But literally I couldn’t think about anything else.
Till I told my self ¨Ok Nataly, you have to switch those thoughts , take out any negative and painful thought to let in positive thoughts.
So I decided it to be brave with Blooming Life (Of course at that time I didn’t know that was going to be the name of the project). And that´s how I was just concentrate with it and start to building it, step by step.
And literally it was like I was following a light that was becoming bigger and was helping me to get out of the end of that dark tunnel.
Blooming Life was like that friendly arm who helped me, and still keeps helping me.
Because when you are working in your dream, is like if you were sprinkled by happiness in dark moments. When I am down I think in Blooming Life and what I want to achieve and it is like if I hear my favorite song on the radio. It raises me.
Follow your dreams, don´t let anyone or anything stop you. Even if your dreams sound absurd DO IT!
Do all that sparks you happiness.
There is just one life ( this is what we know for the moment). So live your life fully. I know that everyones say that. But is the truth, time never goes back. Fulfill a whim, kiss , hug, listen that special song, visit that favorite beach, discover that different blue color in the ocean, discover new textures, new smells, exchange looks with people you never thought. Visit that museum, that tree, that mountain, that river you ever dreamed.
And specially give love LOTS OF LOVE.
The idea of the name Blooming Life is bloom, in every aspect, to give the best of you, growing that beautiful and fantastic side that we and everything has.
So eat, travel, see, hug, smell, explore with me 😀
I swear I´ll give the best of me , so we can bloom together ( Males who are reading this I know it sounds very girlie, but that’s how it is ). Lets enjoy this wonderful life.
With love
Nataly Vargas.
I´ll be waiting to read your thoughts bellow! 😉